Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shape Tool - Adding Shapes in ActivInspire

Shapes, when filled with a color or as an outline only, can be used to create emphasis in a lesson.  Filled shapes can be used to cover answers and unfilled shapes can be used to highlight important information.

Shape Tool on the Toolbar

To create shapes (Click on image for larger view.)
     Step 1 - Select the Shape Tool (as shown above)
     Step 2 - Select the desired shape
     Step 3 - Select the fill color (the color of the inside of the shape.) If you only want an outline of a shape, select the X.
     Step 4 - Select the outline color
     Step 5 - Select the outine size

When you have selected all of the properties for your shape, draw the shape onto a page. To draw a shape, click and hold the mouse.  When you are happy with the shape, let go of the mouse click.  Practice adding a variety of shapes, filled and outline only.

Text Tool - Typing in ActivInspire

Text is often the basic element in a lesson.  But, by using the capabilities of ActivInspire, the text does not have to be boring.  After you learn to enter text into a page, you can manipulate it in a variety of ways.  Each text box can be easily moved around the page or highlighted using the paint bucket.  Also, you can attach actions to text to make note-taking and textbook exercises more engaging!

Text Tool from the toolbar
Typing text
Text is added to a Text Box.  Each text box can be moved and manipulated as an object.  I've found that it is best to use multiple text boxes within a page so that I can rearrange and change each piece of text to add variety and interest to a lesson.  Practice adding several text boxes to a page.  Just click in a new area in a page to add additional text boxes.

Changing Font and Text Size
The Text Tool bar, (shown below) allows you to change the text just as you would in other programs.   Highlight the text to be changed and use the tool bar to select a new font, a larger size, bold, italic or underline.

Moving Text Boxes 
When you have completed typing in text, use the Select Tool (shown below) to move the text boxes around the page.

Getting Started With ActivInspire

Getting started with ActivInspire can be overwhelming.  There are a few steps you can take to become more comfortable with the basics.  Soon, you will be creating interactive flipcharts to engage students in any classroom!

1.  Set up your Profile and Tool Bar
The first step to start using ActivInspire is to set up your Profile and Toolbar.  By setting these up, you will have the tools you use most when creating flipcharts readily available.  This can be updated and changed as you learn which tools you use most.

Click here to see Tool Descriptions and Uses.

2.  After you set up your Profile and Select tools for your toolbar, start adding elements to a page.

Add Text
Add Shapes
Add Pictures from the web using the Camera Tool
Add Website Links

ActivInspire Tools with Descriptions

Below is a brief overview of the some of the Tools and Commands available in ActivInspire.  (Click on images for larger views.)

Basic Tools with Descriptions (Click to enlarge)

Math Tools

Keyboard, Calculator, and Clock

Dice and TickerTape

To make things 'Magically' appear and disappear (Click here to learn to use Magic Ink)

To reset page to last saved version

To record and control sounds

ActivVote Tools

To use two pens at a time

To Insert Blank Pages into a Flipchart

To clear a page

To move objects between layers 

 To move objects within a layer

To Align objects on a Flipchart Page

To reveal only a part of the screen when presenting

Menu Icons

To use ActivInspire Tools over the Desktop